Sunday, May 16, 2010

Should I buy flowers for my girlfriend's older sister?

Ok, I met this great girl a couple months ago and we went out and everything and we both like each other a lot, the problem is her older sister is very very protective, she basically runs her life. And its been hard for me to get a second date with my girl because of her sister. I don't know what to do. I have some ideas,tell me what you think or share some of yours. First idea, is leave a bouquet of flowers by the older sisters door step with a letter asking her permission or just ask both of them out that way the sister could get to know me better. Second, show up at the sisters work, and pretend I ran into her by accident and start a conversation and start to build up from their, because shes seen me but we've never actually talked before. Pleassssse help if you guys have better ideas.

Should I buy flowers for my girlfriend's older sister?
Hey take them both out. and maybe there not sisters. It's late and my brain is in it's crazy mode. Pay no attention to the guy behind the green curtain.
Reply:Do not go to her work.You could be charged with stocking her.

Show up with some flowers for both sisters.Your girlfriends being roses and the sister being small arragement of spring flowers,ask them both out to dinner.Take them to a nice quiet restaraunt and the three of you's can talk and she can get to know you better.Big sister always look out for their lil sisters.
Reply:Dont go to her job thats like stalking.

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