Monday, May 11, 2009

Where do u buy wholesale cut flowers?

i'm doing a fundraiser and i need wholesale carnations. where would i purchase them? i'm in chicago, but i'm sure anyone can help if u know of a national chain store. thanx!

Where do u buy wholesale cut flowers?
Call the major Hotels and ask whom they use. I'm sure they buy in bulk too
Reply:1. Local wholesale florists would be the best source but you may need a tax exempt #.

2. Ask around some local florist shops to barter carnations (or very discounted carnations) for a nice size ad in the program or signage.
Reply:Sam's Club has great prices -- closely approaching wholesale -- on cut flowers. The flowers are of high quality, too. Other big box membership stores probably have similar prices.

Another option you might try is to talk with a florist that you deal with frequently, explaining that you need lots of carnations for a fundraiser. The florist might agree to order them for you from her supplier and sell them to you at cost. Especially if you list the florist as a supporter in any promotional material about your fundraiser.

Good luck.
Reply:Most the major grocery stores have floral departments now. They sell cut flowers cheaper than the florists can buy them from the wholesale house. I used to be a professional florist and buy from the wholesalers. Now that I only do any occasional wedding or party, I go to the grocery store and buy my flowers. They are fresher and cost less. If I need something special, I ask them to order it. If I tell the floral manager a week or so in advance, she can usually get it for me.

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